Gold Text Effect in Photoshop

on Thursday 27 June 2013
Let us create Gold Lettering in Photoshop. There is no color called Gold in Photoshop.

But it can be created. Follow the steps below: (I have added a few steps after completing this tutorial -- see below)

Step 1 : I have opened a blank white layer. I have used the Paint Bucket Tool from the flyout to fill the Layer with black.

Step 2 : Click the Type Tool from the flyout to select it. The Icon marked with a 'T' is the Type Tool.

Step 3 : Now to select the font. Go to the top and select the font you wish to use and also set the point (see pts the third box from the font).

Step 4 : This is what I have typed. You can select your own text and font.

Step 5 : Press CTRL+J. This will duplicate the type layer. The text layer is marked with a 'T'.

The white arrow indicates the duplicate text layer.

Step 6 : Go to the Layers/Channels/Paths palette at the right bottom of Photoshop. Look at the bottom. You will find an 'f' shaped icon. It's the first one. Click it. When the options dialogue opens click on Gradient overlay as shown above.

Step 7 : When the Layer Style dialogue box (above) opens click where I have shown with the black arrow.

Step 8 : As soon as you click on where the arrow points in the step above, this dialogue box opens.

Step 9 : See where the left bottom color stop is. I have marked it with an arrow. Just click it without moving it. See where it says color, it is grayed out.

Step 10 : As soon as you click the left color stop the color box turns black. Click directly on the Color box (see where the arrow points)

Step 11 : This opens up the Select Stop Color dialogue box. See above.

Step 12 : See the three small arrows point to 'R' 'G' and 'B'. Fill R = 247, G = 230, B = 173. Click OK.

Step 13 : Now select the right Color Stop. Just click it. Don't move it. You can see that the color is set to white. Again click on the color box.

Step 14 : This dialogue box i.e. Select stop color dialogue box opens. Now value of 'R' = 193, G = 172 and B = 81. Click ok.

Step 15 : This is how the image looks, a faint gold color. Darker at the top, Lighter at the bottom.

Step 16 : Now change 'Linear' to 'Reflected' by clicking on the drop down window in the Layer Style dialogue box.

Step 17 : Now the image is darker at the top and bottom and light in the middle.

Step 18 : Now again click on the Layer Style button on the Layers/Channels/Paths palette.

The little 'f' at the bottom (see step 6). This time click Bevel and Emboss.

Step 19 : When the Bevel and Emboss dialogue box opens change the Technique to 'Chisel Hard'.
See the arrow.

Step 20 : Now click on the Gloss Contour and click 'Ring Double' . It is where the arrow points to.
It is the third in the bottom layer.
Step 21 : Tick the Anti-aliased box

Step 22 : Now drag the Size slider to the right as well Depth slider. I will not state specifically what values you will put because it will depend on your own image. I have set the Size to 18 and Depth to 171.

This is the Gold Lettering.

To create some additional effects first press CTRL+N on your keyboard. This will create a new layer.
Click the Brush Tool from the flyout.

When you click on the Brush on top, choose the Crosshatch1.

Choose the Eyedropper Tool from the flyout and sample a color from the lettering. Sample a yellowish colour.

Now use this Brush which is shaped like a diagonal cross to add 'sparkles' to the gold lettering. You can see how I have added the sparkles by clicking on the letters. See the white arrow. It is the Crosshatch1 Brush.

The completed text with the sparkles.


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