Light Streaks with Pen Tool

on Thursday 27 June 2013
You can add light streaks to an image for a beautiful special effect. You will need the Pen Tool and the Brush tool for this photoshop tutorial.
Step 1 : I have opened this photo in Photoshop to which I will give the light streaks.
Step 2 : Press CTRL+SHIFT+N to bring up the New Layer dialogue box. Click ok.
Step 3 : Look in the Layers/Channels/Paths pallete you will see the New Layer as Layer 1.

Step 4 : Click the Pen Tool. In the top panel click Paths shown by the red arrow.
Step 5 : Click a point with the Pen Tool and without releasing the left button of the Mouse drag up as shown. (It can be in any direction).
Step 6 : Now click somewhere on the right with the Pen Tool and a line will immediately connect the two points as shown.
Step 7 : Do not let go of the left mouse button, but drag up and left by pulling up the upper arm as shown. This will be the path of the Light Streak.

Step 8 : Press CTRL and hover the cursor near the dot. It will immediately turn into a small white arrow. It is the Direct Selection Tool.
Step 9 : Keeping CTRL pressed will allow to move the line. I have brought the the line closer to the bumper of the car. See the red arrows.

Step 10 : Click the Brush Tool.
Step 11 : Look at the right of the top panel. Click where shown. It will open the brushes pallete and controls.
Step 12 : You can now see the Brushes and controls.
Step 13 : Select Brush 44.

Step 14 : Click the Brush Tip Shape. Step 15 : Click the Shape Dynamics next. The Control should be set to Pen Pressure.
Step 16 : I have set the Spacing at 39 %.
Step 17 : Change the Foreground Color to White. Click the small bent arrow to change the Foreground/Background color. To set it to default click the small squares beneath the Foreground and Background color.

Step 18 : Click on Paths in Layers/Channels/Paths pallete.
Step 19 : The Paths pallete opens and you can see the Workpath.

Step 20 : Now click the button shown. It is the Stroke Path with Brush. You can hover your cursor over it to read the name.
Look at the image. The light steak has formed, though it is not complete.

Step 21 : Switch back to the layers pallette by clicking on it and then click the Layer Styles button at the bottom.
Step 22 : From the pop up choose Outer Glow.

Step 23 : The Outer Glow dialogue box opens. Drag the Spread and Size sliders suitably depending on your image. You will be able to see the change as you drag the sliders. So set it according to your satisfaction. Click ok.
Step 24 : The image after adding Outer Glow.
Step 25 : Now pres control and hover the cursor on the line shown by the red arrow and the cursor changes to a small white arrow. It is the Direct Selection Tool.

Step 26 : Keeping CTRL pressed drag up the line. You will find another line form. What you have done is you have edited the original line.
Step 27 : Go to the Paths pallette again by clicking on it.Then click on the Stroke Path with Brush tool.

Step 28 : Look at the car image. Another streak of light has been added.

Step 29 : Again press CTRL, place your cursor on the line and it will turn into the Direct Selection Tool. Drag up. Also drag the arms to the left or right to give a different curvature to the new line.

Step 30 : In the Paths pallette again click the Stroke Path with Brush.
Look at the car image now. The light streaks have been. The lines are still there. we will remove them.
Step 31 : In the Paths pallette, click anywhere below the Workpath.
The lines have disappeared.

Step 32 : This is an optional step. Go to Filter>Blur>Motion Blur.
Step 33 : The Motion Blur dialogue box opens. Set the Distance suitably.
The finished image with the light streaks. Try it out.


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