Shadows - in Photoshop

on Friday 28 June 2013

You can make shadows in Photoshop and determine how they should be. You wil have to extract a subject from a photo to add a shadow. How a figure can be extracted easily is explained here. Click the link.
Step 1 : I have extracted this boy's photo from the background for the purpose of this tutorial.

Step 2 : I have opened a new white layer which I will drag behind the boy's photo.

tep 3 : I have dragged the white layer behind the boy.

Step 4 : In the Layers/Channels/Paths pallette make sure that the layer with the extracted boy is selected. This is easy to make out as the background behind it will be transparent. To select the layer click it. As soon as you click it will be highlighted which will indicate that it has been selected. Here 'Layer 1' is the layer with the extracted boy's image.

Step 5 : Go to Layer>Layer Style>Drop Shadow.

Step 6 : This dialogue box opens.

Step 7 : In the Drop Shadow layer box dialogue box notice the 'Distance', 'Spread' and 'Size' sliders (highlighted in yellow). First drag the distance slider slightly, then the 'Spread' and the 'Size'. You will be able to see the effect as you drag the sliders. You should not overdo it. Next drag the 'Opacity' slider to the left by 50 %. Leave other settings as it is. Click ok.

The Drop Shadow has been added. That is all.

Now let us manipulate the drop shadow. Apply it with the default settings to the extracted image as shown in Steps 1 to 6 by beginning afresh. Leave all the default settings in the Drop Shadow dialogue box. The default settings are shown above in the close up of the Drop Shadow dialogue box. Click ok.

Step 1 : This is the image of the boy with the default Drop Shadow settings applied.

Step 2 : After you click ok in the Drop Shadow dialogue box you will notice a small icon like 'f' on the layer in the layers/Channel/Paths pallete. (See where the small white hand points to).
Step 3 : Right click the small 'f' icon and this pop up will appear. Click 'Create Layer' to select it.
Step 4 : This dialogue box opens. Just click ok.

Step 5 : Look closely at the Layers/Channels/Paths pallete. Note that you were working on Layer 1 (blue arrow). A new layer -- 'Layer 1's Drop Shadow' has formed below it. Click to select.

Step 6 : Click the Move Tool.

Step 7 : Press CTRL+T on the keyboard and with the Move Tool drag up as shown above. You will find the shadow growing as you drag.

Step 8 : Now press CTRL+SHIFT+ALT on the keyboard and drag the top left corner handle inwards as shown above.

Step 9 : Again press CTRL+T and drag down to the right with the Move Tool or in any direction you please.

Step 10 : Click the Move Tool or any other tool.

Step 11. As soon as you click the Move Tool or any other tool, this dialogue box opens. Click 'Apply'.

Step 12 : Now click the Add Layer Mask buton shown by the small white hand and the red arrow.

Step 13 : The Layer Mask has formed (red arrow).

Step 14 : Click the Reactangular Marquee Tool.

Step 15 : Draw a selection around the shadow as shown above.

Step 16 : Now make sure that the Foreground is set to White and Background to Black. Look at the bent arrow. Click it to switch between the Foreground and Background colors.

Step 17 : Now press CTRL+BACKSPACE on the keyboard. This will fill the selection with white (the foreground color) and the shadow will no longer be visible.
Step 18 : Now click the Gradient Tool to select it.

Step 19 : Now drag up from the bottom left corner to the right top corner or in the direction that your shadow falls.

Step 20 : This is the manipulated drop shadow.

Step 21 : Lower the opacity by dragging the slider to left in the Layers/Channels/Paths pallette. I have reduced it to 60 %.
An here is the boys image with a realistic manipulated drop shadow.
Now what happens if you want to add a drop shadow in a photo? That can be done too.
Step 1 : I have opened this photo. Cut out the figure of the runner with the Magnetic Lasso Tool. But I suggest the Pen Tool. It is not such a bogey after all. The Pen Tool Tutorial is here.
Step 2 : Press CTRL+J on the keyboard to duplicate the layer. Then use the Pen Tool (preferably) to cut out the figure of the runner. Now all you have to do is follow the steps described above to add the shadow.

The drop shadow has been added.


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