Paste Into command in Photoshop

on Friday 28 June 2013

The Paste into Tool is one those tools you can use for Special Effects like cutaways in Photoshop. It is not difficult to use.

Look at the dropdown from Edit. You will find the Paste, but the Paste Into command is grayed out. It normally is. That is the command that can do a lot of tricks.

Step 1 : I have chosen these three photos -- a stomach, a skull and a girl for this tutorial. I will place the skull and stomach on the girl's photo making it appear like a cutaway.

Step 2 : Click the Lasso Tool to select it.

Step 3 : I am using the Lasso Tool to draw a round shape on the girl's stomach.

Step 4 : The selection has been drawn.

Step 5 : Press ALT+CTRL+D on the keyboard to bring up the Feather Selection dialogue box. Put a Feather Radius of 10 pixels.

Step 6 : Now I have selected the photo of the stomach. I have pressed CTRL+A or the Select All command the select the entire photo. You can see the selection all around the edges.

Step 7 : I have now gone to Edit>Copy. After this I do not need the photo of the stomach and am minimising it.

Step 8 : Now I have clicked on the girl's photo.

Step 9 : Now I will go to Edit>Paste Into.

Step 10 : The stomach has been pasted on the girl's stomach making it appear as if it is inside.
Step 11 : Now I have have gone to Layer>Layer Style>Drop Shadow.

Step 12 : The Drop Shadow dialoge box opens. I will leave it at the default settings because it suits this image. Otherwise to can manipulate it by dragging the 'Distance', 'Spread' and 'Size' sliders slightly. Click ok in the Drop Shadow dialogue box.

Step 13 : The Drop Shadow has been added.
Step 14 : I have zoomed in on the girl's face with the Zoom Tool. Then used the Lasso Tool to make a selection around the face as shown in Steps 2, 3 and 4. Now Feather the selection by 10 pixels as in Step 5.
Step 15 : I have now clicked on the photo of the skll and then pressed CTR+A on the keyboard to Select All. You can see the selection all around the edges. Go to Edit>Copy as in Step 7.
Step 16 : Click on the girls face. Make sure that the selection around the face is still in place as in Step 14. The go to Edit>Paste Into as in Step 9. Since the area of the face is smaller compared to the image of the skull, the skull image has to be made smaller. Use the Move Tool to drag down the skull image.

Step 17 : This is the Move Tool.

Step 18 : I have repositioned the skull.

Step 19 : Now click on the Move Tool or any other tool to apply the transformation. When the Apply Transformation dialogue box appears, click Apply.

Step 20 : In the Layers/Channels/Paths pallette lower the opacity suitably depending on yo image. Then apply a Drop shadow as in Steps 11 and 12.

The finished image.

The car engine visible in the bonnet has also been done following exactly the same steps.


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